The Love Clean Streets app is a bespoke application that is utilised by many borough councils across the country to report environmental issues, and Croydon Council recommends residents to use this app for reporting many different types of issues, including:
Environmental Issues Reporting - Love Clean Streets Application
Download the app now and make a report
The mobile app can be downloaded to your smartphone, via the appropriate app store, from where you can create an account (you only require an email address) and can start reporting straight away.
The app provides a mapping capability that can pinpoint your current position to automatically record where an issue you are reporting is located.
Non-smartphone users can still create reports using a web-portal
For all reports that are serviced by the waste and cleaning contractor, Veolia, one key advantage of using LCS is that they are sent directly to the contractor and updates are automatically sent back when the report is In Progress and Completed. We now have insight as to when, or indeed if, the issue has been resolved correctly.
LFN Love Clean Streets Data Portal
LFN receives data extracts on a 2-monthly basis of all reports logged using Love Clean Streets that are within the Croydon Borough.
We have now compiled all the data we have received into a database and developed a portal for residents to be able to view, search and analyse this data.
The LCS portal provides 4 different pages to display data in different ways:
The user can filter the data by Year, Ward, Month and Category to provide Summary totals.
The user can filter the database table over a particular date range and by Ward, Status, Category or Report ID (for a specific report).
The user can filter the data by Year, Ward, Month, Category and Status to see summary charts as follows:
Month on Month summary totals for the year
A Pie Chart that can be shown by Month, Ward, Category or Status
The user can filter by Year, Ward, Month and Category to provide a map visualisation of the report locations to identify specific hot spots.
The Mapping facility also provides the following options:
Style of Map - Pixel Map or Heat Map
Animation – Month-by-month or Accumulative over the year